Zero waste in Human Potential
multiply the intelligence of your company
Tailor-made super effective support to
What we do
We catalyze the evolution of your company towards a space where everyone finds their right place and expresses their own genius to serve your mission.
The health situation precipitates the need for companies to evolve and adapt. Why? Because the context of unprecedented economic uncertainty created by this crisis exacerbates all the organizational, human and structural challenges already present in the company.
➣ You seem to have all the ingredients to carry your business towards lasting success and yet it is not fully working.
➣ Do you see a waste of human potential in the form of conflicts, misunderstandings, lack of cohesion and trust?
➣ Do you want to fix it, but it is impossible for you to have your attention on all the parameters at work that are hijacking your project?
It is Evoduo’s core expertise to support you effectively in this critical period for the life of your company by maintaining a strong DNA combining people and performance.
Through a tailor-made approach, we come to immerse ourselves in your reality in order to facilitate the creation of a company at the height of your highest ambitions.
Entry points
Our supports revolve around three main following points of tension:
Far from being trivial to avoid wasting human potential, this approach requires:
A rigorous and explicit organization of the tasks to be performed
A climate of trust, responsibility and autonomy
Careful listening to others and weak signals
Evoduo allows you to make teleworking an opportunity to boost efficiency and organizational growth is key.
Managing conflicts well means freeing up the intelligence of teams and managers. It needs :
Clear human values and an identified conflict management system
A fine reading of human mechanisms transmitted in a simple and actionable way
A culture of dialogue and development supported by appropriate postures and tools
Evoduo provides you with tailor-made, effective conflict management approaches that allow everyone to flourish and improve their performance.
Such architectural work combining people and performance requires:
An agile and organic empirical strategic approach
Establish frameworks facilitating the emergence of individual and collective intelligence
Design the fundamentals of the organization: decision-making systems, raison d'être, culture of dialogue, etc.
Evoduo brings you a sharp exterior view, adapted and recognized know-how. A precious help in this adventure to deeply align the organization with those who drive it.
Our Modalities
We create each of our tailor-made interventions according to the needs of your business and your context, around the following three formats:
Overcome individual blocking situations
Discover and expresss new dimensions of one's potential
Learn new techniques to further your personal development in full autonomy
External look at internal practices
Live feedback and optimization
Relevant and action driven informal discussions
Active listening space to overcome a common challenge
Experience and learn powerful methods of meeting facilitation
Effortless co-creation on concrete objectives
Our duo
As friends at the University, we offer our relationship and our complementary skills to serve the evolution of your company. We have developed a unique skillset and know-how in which neurosciences, business strategy and organizational consulting, entrepreneurship, personal development and collective intelligence are interwoven. This approach allows us to catalyze the evolution of your business in a comprehensive and coherent way.
The dream of all managers is to build a team where motivation, commitment and self-responsibility are at their highest.
For the past 10 years, I made of this dream an ambition, with a tangible goal, and a personal discipline to achieve this perfect mix of efficacy and fulfillment, where each person feels connected to their internal compass and plays a role tailor-made for themselves in their community.
After 3 years working for the Boston Consulting Group, I dedicated myself to my passion for childhood and education. I founded école Dynamique in 2015 and éco-village de Pourgues in 2017, two communities without obligations nor timetables, where each person connects with their intrinsic motivation and develops the power over their own life.
Today, I yearn to build bridges with business organizations to bring the art of setting up a context of freedom and develop a spirit of full commitment.
One question has always fascinated me: What is intelligence and how can you increase it? This question accompanied me throughout my academic studies up to the Ecole Normale Supérieure with the study of neurosciences and cognitive sciences.
In parallel, I pursued a set of training and powerful experiences allowing to grasp real human potential and to reveal it. The idea of keeping for myself all these skills and know-how effective and more useful than ever in the turbulence of the current world was unbearable to me.
I then left the world of research, in order to benefit as much as possible to the real influential people in our company: I started to support companies on an individual, collective and organizational level. The goal is simple: to maximize intelligence. I also created the UBECOME model, inspired by cognitive sciences, which provides quantitative and artificial intelligence insight on all human issues.
UBECoME, our tool at your service
Inspired by neuroscience and cognitive science, the quantitative model UBECoME® (Union of Body Emotion Consciousness Mind and Energy) is a powerful profiling tool to effectively see individuals as a potential to be revealed, rather than a frozen piece of a puzzle. fill.
For innovative companies where the employee has room to express their individual intelligence through responsibilities and initiatives, the UBECoME model is a MUST: it makes it possible to objectify the mechanisms and levers that allow everyone to contribute in a coherent and constructive way to the organisation and its collective intelligence.
With the help of a simple questionnaire, employees develop their self-knowledge, optimise their ability to communicate and work together effectively and adopt a common language that makes it possible to effectively resolve human issues. In addition to this, you need to know more about it.
The model is used in three main formats:
Simplify and clarify how to overcome individual blocking situations.
Have a GPS of faculty development for a concrete daily impact in the company.
Follow your progress and share your successes as a team using a simple and common vocabulary.
Adapt your communication according to our profile and that of our interlocutor.
Minimize conflicts and misunderstanding through an effective common language.
Make interpersonal tensions a source of bilateral development at the service of the company.
Predict in a few minutes the suitability of a candidate with his future team on a human level.
Optimize onboarding by taking into account the strengths and weaknesses of the newcomer.
Set up a relevant continuous development path upon joining the team.
Incarner un leadership authentique
En compagnie d'un entrepreneur à succès, créateur de projet à mission, j'ai développé une formation qui vise à partager l'état d'esprit et les stratégies qui permettent de vivre sa propre vie. J'ai rassemblé l’ensemble des clés provenant de mes expériences en psychologie, en coaching et dans l’accompagnement d’entrepreneurs au cours de ces 10 dernières années. Cette offre est complémentaire à l'accompagnement individuel et peut se faire en amont ou en aval de l'accompagnement.
Pour en savoir plus, sur la partie en ligne :
Pour en savoir plus, sur la partie en présentiel dans l'écovillage de Pourgues :
+33 6 45 49 79 24
26 rue Gay Lussac, 75005, Paris
I offer ten 1-hour calls per month.
Être autonome sur des technologies du bien-être
J'ai co-créé un centre qui réunit un ensemble de parcours transmettant l'autonomie sur des technologies du bien-être . Être équilibré, stable psychologiquement et physiquement, être perceptif et attentif, être épanoui sont le terreau pour devenir un leader authentique. Le Centre Nectar délivre les meilleurs outils qui ont fait leur preuve, notamment scientifiquement, pour aller vers son leadership authentique et un bien-être complet.
Pour en savoir plus sur le premier parcours du Centre :